domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

The World will Remember HIM

Lucky Philip Dube, alias Lucky Dube (born August 3 1964 in Ermelo, Mpumalanga, South Africa and died October 18, 2007 at Rosettenville), was a singer, South African reggae. It´s coming the day that the wideworld remember him from the brutal death.
why has Lucky Dube been killed? 
Some people say, he  was killed not for his bicycle, killed for his car.
I (Fidele Poutou) really love the music of Tosh and Marley, but there is NO reggae artist who is more truthful and respectful towards other people than Lucky Dube was. Peter Tosh message and voice was great but he criticized for example that there were so many white and not black people on his concerts. Lucky Dube always gave respect to EVERYONE, whether black, white, color or whatever.

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Attending a class

Gisela Manuel (English teacher) invited Mr. Fidele Poutou (her former English co-ordinator) to attend a lesson in her class. The class was assisted at Dangereux school where the former PUNIV works and the class was 10.2. The teacher talked about the plurals of nouns.

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

An apple falls!

Without falling into a certain fanaticism to the extreme, I must say that the death of Steve Jobs does something to me ... I asked for the first time put my hands on the keyboard and mouse of a MacBook in 2008. (less than a year after I pushed myself to buy one!) And since then, I can say that I work in part by Apple.In short, Steve Jobs was a holy revolution! Quite a trick the idea of the apple!

sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

The Ateliers of Fidele in Namibe

                                                      Fidele: helping participants
In the presence of almost 100 teachers from all parts of this vast country named Angola to Namibe province. Two days (september 1st and 2nd 2011) of hard working. And Fidele Poutou in the quality of ICT coordinator of BELFA, has presented two workshops:
1. Create a teaching powerpoint ;
2. Create and manage your blog.
It was a success works in which many teachers needed.

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

XVI Jornadas Científico - Pedagógicas do ISCED - Huíla 2011

The ISCED at Lubango, in Huila province (Angola), has the honor and pleasure to invite MA. Fidele Poutou to join their Scientific Workshop XVI - Pedagogical ISCED- Huila 2011. 
This convention will be held on 5, 6 and 7 October 2011.
The message from ISCED was sending to me by MA. Oswaldo M. Fulay

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Staff reunion

The staff of the "Instituto Superior Politécnico" directive in the persons of Engineers Bonifacio and Arlindo, invited teachers named: Fidele PoutouHelder ChipindoDelphim KabeyJoaquim Ruben and Felisberto Fato to join a strict meeting, where the aim was to ensure the situation of speculation about the behavior of some Cuban teachers and Angolan students.

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

ICT Team - Training Blog

Mr. Fidele Poutou (Coordinator of BELFA technical teamtook advantage of his stay in Lubango to work with LEONOR LUVEMBA (Head of the blog - Huila).
She has had the opportunity to update their knowledge on the design and administration of blogs.

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011

Working for the BELFA site

Mr. FIDELE POUTOU (teacher in ISPH: Instituto Superior Politecnico Huambo and coordinator of the technical BELFA team ) works in ISCED/Lubango since yesterday morning with Mr. ZINGA CARLOS SAMBO  (Coordinator of the Board of the Board of BELFA and French teacher at ISCED/Luabngo).
This work is based on the structure and contents of the site.