segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013


Mr. Fidele Poutou, presented on Friday, a lecture entitled "OS DESAFIOS DAS NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMAÇÃO PARA OS ESTUDANTES"at Escola Politécnica do Huambo.

During the Conference

Mr. Fidele Poutou and The Congressman of UNITA (The depute SAVIEMBA)

Conference on Municipalities

Mr. Fidele Poutou was invited and participated on the Conference on Municipalities, based on the experience of Brazil.

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013

Lectures in schools

FORDU (Fórum Regional para o Desenvolvimento Universitário) invited Mr. Fidele Poutou, teacher at  ISPH  to present a lecture at the Polytechnic Institute. Such as lecture title is: "OS DESAFIOS DAS NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMAÇÃO PARA OS ESTUDANTES"

segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

Grief and Mourning at Cabinda´s Community

Yesterday, the community of Cabinda in Huambo followed the rest of their mortal member "AUNT RUTH" "TIA RUTH" on terminal military of Albano Machado Airport
Mr. Fidele Poutou was also present at this time of grief and mourning. The body of the deceased was taken to Cabinda his homeland.

Vistors at ISPH

In the week just ended,  the ISPH in the presence of Dean and one of the deputies was visited by responsible coming from Luanda.  Mr. Fidele Poutou was escorting visitors in different classes.


quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013

Pedagogic Council Meeting

This morning, Mr. Fidele Poutou and other colleagues attended the first meeting of the board of pedagogical ISPH.