Mr. Fidele Poutou, presented on Friday, a lecture entitled "OS DESAFIOS DAS NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMAÇÃO PARA OS ESTUDANTES"at Escola Politécnica do Huambo.
FORDU (Fórum Regional para o Desenvolvimento Universitário) invitedMr.Fidele Poutou,teacher atISPH to presenta lectureat the Polytechnic Institute. Suchaslecturetitleis: "OS DESAFIOS DAS NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMAÇÃO PARA OS ESTUDANTES"
Yesterday,the community ofCabindain Huambofollowed therestof theirmortalmember"AUNTRUTH""TIA RUTH" on terminalmilitaryof AlbanoMachadoAirport. Mr. Fidele Poutouwasalsopresentat this timeofgrief and mourning.The body of thedeceasedwas taken toCabindahis homeland.
In the weekjust ended,theISPHin the presenceof Deanand one of thedeputieswas visited byresponsiblecomingfrom Luanda. Mr.FidelePoutou wasescorting visitorsin differentclasses.